Friday, September 30, 2011

September Monthly Draw Surprise!

A special Surprise for our Top Picks, but first, a couple of new things happening when we return on October 14th with Challenge #31 and our new DT.
We will have 2 winners per challenge with each winner receiving 2 images ($3.00 max per image, sets excluded).  There will be a random winner from entries who used a Pattie's Creations image, and the other random winner can use ANY digital or stamped image!
Also, Allie's Top Picks is retiring, and that means there will not be anymore Monthly Draw.
Those are the 2 important changes to our challenges.  Now on to our surprise!
For those of our Top Picks from Challenges #29 and #30 who added our Badge to their sidebar (required to be eligible to win the Monthly Draw), your names are listed below.
From Challenge #29 
2 - Kurlygirl
11 - Made by Mandy
26 - Jenni
From Challenge #30
1 - An
10 - Susan
13 - Darling Ho
15 - Marjo
53 - Karen
62 - dj1952 (Debra)
64 - Jennifer Scull

Congrats to all of You!
Pattie is giving all of you the 'Apples in Basket' Image as a special Thank You.
Please email Pattie to receive your image.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Well, I have some Sad News and some Good News... First the Sad news... We will be saying goodbye to some of the DT Members. I will miss all of you... Just remember we are just a post away! I want to thank Bev, Cleota, Jen, Linda, Mel, Natacha, Rhonda and Theresa for being there for me and Sandi. You are all so talented and I appreciate all that you have done to make Pattie's Creations Design Challenge a success! It has been a wonderful Ride with all of you.

Here is the Good News. We have a new Design Team and they are all waiting anxiously to get started. I will be posting their photos very soon but id you would like to go on over to their Blogs to welcome them here is the list:

We will be taking a short vacation and will return on October 14th for our next Challenge and some wonderful Inspirations from our new Design Team. I almost forgot... Sandi and Melody will be staying on for the next Wild Ride!!!
Hugs ♥

Challenge 30 Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered our challenge with a theme of Girlie Things.  The sidebar info will be updated sometime later.
Also, please check back for some News from Pattie!
#1 - An
#10 - Susan
#13 - Darling Ho
#15 - Marjo
#19 - Blackdragon
#53 - Karen
#62 - dj1952 (Debra)
#64 - Jennifer Scull
Grab your badge (the Blue one) and you will be in the monthly draw on September 30th where we will have a special surprise for our Top Picks from challenge 29 and 30!
WINNER of 3 images - #21 Tilly Trotter  (grab the Pink 'I Won' badge) and email Pattie with your choices (sets excluded).

Friday, September 9, 2011

GIRLIE THINGS - Challenge 30

Congrats to the winners of Challenge #29 'Birthdays', your names are in the post below and on the sidebar in a day or two!
Welcome to Challenge #30, where our theme is  GIRLIE THINGS!  JUST REMEMBER, if you use an image from Pattie's Creations, you will get an extra entry to win!  Stop over at her Etsy Store and browse around.  There are FREEBIES too.
The challenge starts now and ends Thursday, September 22nd at 5PM CST (Central Standard Time).
Some inspiration from our DT.
Bev chose 'Watering Can with Daisies'  as her image.
Cleota chose 'Volkswagen Beetle 1' as her image.
Jen used 'Vintage Wedding Dress Lace' as her image.
Linda used 'Pumps with Flower' as her image.
Melody chose 'Pumps with Flower' as her image.
Rhonda chose 'Cupcake with Hearts' for her image.
Theresa selected 'Ice Skates with Bow' as her image.
Sandi (that's me)
I used 'Bath Time Pattieboop with background' as my image for an Explosion Box.
Top View

Front View

Open View
Leave a link to your post below with Inlinkz.  Good luck, and remember to have fun!

Thank You!
Any Digital or Stamped Image is REQUIRED for all challenges!

(Linkup closed)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Challenge 29 Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered our challenge with a theme of Birthdays.  There were so many entries, and it keeps getting harder for Allie to choose her Top Picks.  Pattie changed the badge from Top 3 to Top Picks.  The sidebar info will be updated when Pattie returns from vacation.
#2 - Kurlygirl
#11 - Made by Mandy
#26 - Jenni
#29 - Brenda Dean
Grab your badge (the Blue one) and you will be in the monthly draw on September 30th for a chance to win 2 images.
WINNER of 3 images - #7 Hilde  (grab the Pink 'I Won' badge)